Articles & Other Media

Published Article from the EFT International website, February 2024:

She Believed She Could and So She Did

By Jude Weber

In 2018, on my 58th birthday, I lie in the hospital with life-threatening eczema and its multiple complications, not knowing my life's destination.

My Beloved, gifted me a bracelet with the inscription, "She believed she could and she did." I wasn't able to wear it because of the intense inflammation on my skin, so for years it sat buried underneath other jewelry.

The start of clinical trials

Back in 2011, my life had come to a screeching halt. I was bed-bound like a burn victim, and in unbearable suffering for the 5+ years that followed. It was then that I was introduced to clinical trials, which I would become dependent on for my survival. I desperately hoped to find "THE ONE" that would hopefully give me my life back.

Podcast from The Biology of Trauma® with Dr. Aimie:

“Learning to recognize the disease-trauma connection is a huge part of getting to work healing yourself. This week I am excited to have Jude Weber, a practitioner of Biology of Trauma™ and EFT on the podcast. Jude’s journey has taken many twists and turns for her to be here today. This is the real life story of how nervous system dysregulation was the root cause of her eczema, eating disorders, and relationship troubles.”

Podcast feature from Overcome Outloud with Charlie Smith:

“In this episode of Overcome Outloud I have the gift of sitting down with Jude Weber as she shares her journey of overcoming a very serious eating disorder that left her hospitalized and fighting for her life. In her vulnerable and powerful overcome story she shares her amazing journey of self discovery and awareness that has brought amazing purpose to her life. Today, Jude is a Certified EFT Tapping Practitioner, a Certified Professional Life Coach as well as a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. She is putting her incredible experience to amazing use by helping others in their journey to be their best self.”

Published Article from the Reach Out Recovery website:

Love: The Key To Recovering From Eating Disorders

By Jude Weber

Eating disorders can be crippling, but there is hope for long-term recovery

Do you know how many people have eating disorders? The statistics are shocking; 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans, will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, so if you eat too much or too little, you are not alone and may be suffering from an eating disorder issue.

How do eating disorders start

As a very young child, I figured out how to survive the terror I lived with. My best coping mechanism to stay alive was food. While I’m so grateful that I had something so available to make me feel any sense of safety, like a best friend, eventually, that relationship and all of its complications nearly killed me. As a souvenir, I have been left with a potpourri of health hurdles that I have had to manage. What are eating disorders, and what are the symptoms of eating disorders? It can be either starving or overeating, but it’s all about not being able to handle the pain inside.